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For deliveries to Switzerland, we recommend using the MeinEinkauf.ch service. You can find all information at MyShopping.chMeinEinkauf.ch will then take care of all customs formalities and delivery to your door for a small fee. You will receive your goods quickly, customs cleared and inexpensively.

How does MeinEinkauf.ch work?

Private customers and companies can use MeinEinkauf.ch to purchase goods from us in Germany and have them sent to their address in Switzerland.

For this purpose, you will receive a @MeinEinkauf.ch email address from MeinEinkauf.ch. If you use this email address and purchase and pay for goods on behalf of MeinEinkauf GmbH (Germany), MeinEinkauf will take care of about the fact that these are cleared and taxed (by MeinEinkauf AG, based in Switzerland.